Please see below some important Health and Safety guidance
If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus, please stay at home/away from the conference venue and follow NHS advice.
We recommend that you continue to maintain and promote good infection prevention and control measures.
We encourage:
– the wearing of face coverings when moving around our buildings – especially in crowded places
– Please be mindful of others and their desire for personal space
– If the weather is nice, do take your lunch/refreshments outside. We have several large gardens on campus (E.g. Royal Fort). Enjoy the open air!
– practice good hand hygiene and using hand sanitizer
– practice good respiratory hygiene (e.g., covering nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing).
There will be hand sanitizer placed next to refreshment tables. Please use it.
Our rooms contain air filtration systems. Please also feel free to open windows and doors if they are not already open.
Fire alarms are tested on a Wednesday morning, between 8am and 10am. There is no need to take any action if the fire alarm sounds for a few seconds during this period. If the fire alarm is activated at any other time, or during this period but for more than a few seconds, then all staff and visitors should evacuate. Fire exits are marked by the green signs, and visitors should familiarise themselves with exit routes from the locations of their sessions. Assembly points are marked, and in the Arts Complex are to the front of the villas. You should assemble to the front of the nearest villa where the alarm is not sounding.
If first aid is required, please contact the Estates Assistants at the main entrance of the building you are in. For serious incidents call University Security on 112233 from any University phone line, or 0117 33112233 from a mobile.